What You Should Know About Colon Cancer


What is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is a disease in which normal cells in the colon mutate and increases the number of membranes that cannot be controlled. When the cells are changed, polyps or tumors form in the intestine. They may or may not become cancer. However, if left untreated, the tumor may turn into cancerous, which can spread to other parts of the body.

Colon Cancer Symptoms

When the colon cancer occurs, it can cause some signs and symptoms like chronic abdominal pain, flatulence, unusual indigestion, and often localized pain. Bloody or black stool, pale, anemia, nausea can also be found. Colon cancer patients usually loss of appetite and weight loss. For some patient, lump may be found in the lower abdomen.

Cause of Colon Cancer

We do not know exactly what is the main cause of the colon cancer. Some people may have a higher risk than others. Colon cancer risk factors include things people cannot control, such as age and family history. Some people can be inherited colon cancer from their family. Besides, some unhealthy diet and behavior such as eating high fat, high calories food, but less fiber, can lead to the disease as well.

Colon Cancer Stages

  • The first stage of colon cancer is in the intestinal mucosa and still remains in situ. In this stage, the shape of cancer is either a lump or a polyp on the superficial part of colon wall. 
  • The second stage of colon cancer, it starts to spread to the colon wall by penetrating into colon muscles, and/or break through the mesentery and spread to the tissue or other nearby organs. 
  • The third stage, colon cancer starts spreading to the nearby lymph nodes.
  • the fourth stage, the colon cancer spreads to the further lymph nodes, and get carried along with the bloodstream to the further organs: liver, lungs, or bones.

Treatment for Colon Cancer

A common medical treatment for colon cancer is surgery which is a method of treatment for any stage of cancer. In the first stage, your doctor will recommend a surgical procedure to remove the cancerous lump as soon as possible to prevent cancer cells from spreading. 

Radiation therapy is used before having surgery to reduce the size of colon cancer. It may also be is given after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells. 

Treat with chemotherapy method is used in conjunction with surgery. Patients after having surgery will be given extra chemotherapy to get rid of any remaining cancer cells.

How to Diagnose Colon Cancer

It is important to detect colon cancer by having an endoscopy and colonoscopy. It is also recommended that people who have high risks due to genetics and age more than 45 years should have a colonoscopy, even with or without symptoms. Since they have more risks compared to others, these people should see doctors regularly depends on the individual plan. 

Colon Cancer Prevention

People can reduce the risk of colon cancer by avoiding unhealthy consuming diets behaviors and eating foods that contain fibers, such as vegetables and fruits. Exercise regularly also helps.


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